News and upcoming exhibitions

Here you can find our latest news about found images, collections, exhibitions etc.

01 October 2024
A unique collection of more than 200 amateur color photos of Amsterdam, offering a look back in time to everyday life, with a milkman in clogs, mopeds speeding by, and the organ man belting out his tunes.

21 September 2024
1700 m2 of vintage photography & photo books, Vintage photography fair with numerous galleries, A dynamic program with workshops, artist talks and a panel discussion, Dialogue tables, Food, drinks and festivities. DIALOGUE

July 2024
Vintage image wall decoration for care home
This month, together with our business partner Zorgmeubel, we have completed a wall decoration project for a care home on the Caribbean island of St. Maarten. The entire house has been furnished with new interiors and a beautiful collection of vintage photos of St. Maarten.

February 2024
Jaap vd Veer photographic legacy
We are happy to announce that we have been able to acquire Jaap vd Veer photographic legacy.
This concerns a very large collection of negatives, including hundreds of undeveloped film rolls. Exciting! We will start researching the collection this fall.
We thank Danny Post from 'Kringloop Vintage and More' for the lead!

October 2023
No less than 25 pages show a small glimpse into the Timeview Collection.
See the Going Dutch edition of DOG FOOD PHOTOZINE 11

September 2023
Nice article about early retouching on glass negatives, with photos from our Herbert Shergold collection.
Get your copy here: Dialogue Vintage Photography Magazine #3

23 September 2023
1700 m2 of vintage photography & photo books, Vintage photography fair with numerous galleries, A dynamic program with workshops, artist talks and a panel discussion, Dialogue tables, Food, drinks and festivities. DIALOGUE

July 2023
Another donation glass negatives from Magic Lantern Museum, Heiloo
We thank Martin Vliegenthart from the Magic Lantern Museum in Heiloo for his donation of a shoebox glass negatives. Including a rare set of 13 Amsterdam public transport glass negatives from 1910-1920. Martins fantastic museum is a must see when you are in the neighbourhood of Alkmaar/Heiloo.

June 2023
Vintage image wall decoration for care home
This month, together with our business partner Zorgmeubel, we have completed a wall decoration project for a care home on the island of Texel. The entire house has been furnished with new interiors and a beautiful collection of vintage photos of Texel.

April 2023
Donation glass negatives from Magic Lantern Museum, Heiloo
Very impressed by the amazing magic lantern collection of Martin Vliegenthart from the Magic Lantern Museum in Heiloo. We thank Martin for the donation of approximately 1500, mainly Dutch, glass negatives from the period 1910-1940. The attractive museum is well worth a visit.

March 2023
Maarten Hooijberg's photographic legacy
We are happy to announce that we have been able to acquire Maarten Hooijbergs photographic legacy from his heirs.
Maarten Hooijberg traveled and photographed the world in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. He left approximately 15,000 negatives. In the coming months we will research the collection and share the best finds.
We thank the family for the trust they have placed in us.

February 2023
We are excited to announce that the Mondriaan Fund is supporting photo historian Hedy van Erp researching the Windig Collection this year.
The Mondriaan Fund is a public fund for the visual arts and cultural heritage in the Netherlands. It promotes special and innovative projects and activities by visual artists, intermediaries (curators and critics), museums and other heritage institutions, presentation institutions, archives, galleries and commissioning bodies.

January 2023
Donation glass negatives v.d. Kamp family archive
We are happy to announce that we have been able to acquire the vd Kamp family photographic archive.
The archive consist a collection of glass negatives dating back to the 1920s, beautiful creative family images and the original camera.
We thank the family for the trust they have placed in us.